“I am a siren, and for my adoration of mankind, have been caught in fishing nets one time too many. And in those fishing nets I have learned too many unfavorable things about human intentions and the lack of trust and goodwill; I'm not going to allow myself to be caught, anymore. Sirens do well at singing the sirens' song and dragging vile people to their deaths, and for good reason!”
― C. JoyBell C.
Hi Everyone!
It has been awhile since I have been blogging. There has been alot more projects I have started to plan and create that have really occupied my time, but now I can share with you all of my creations. This month I started of with a mythological creature called a Siren. I had so many inspirations that helped me lead to this creation and mix it with pollution in our oceans. Our water world is one of my passions and maybe some people may get mad, but I think instead of space all the time we really should concentrate more on our oceans. The only way our earth can heal again is if we take care of it better. Something can not rejuvenate itself if you keep hammering at it. I love Greek Mythology and the book of the Odyssey had popped into my head to capture the beauty and hurt of this beautiful creature and story.
So I wanted to tell you how the process of this project came to be. I threw the concept at my model of doing a water series and doing it outside. I was concerned that we were going to get poured on by rain that day. The idea was do the inside portrait and then do an outside portrait of the model in the pool. It didn't happen that way. I was having all kinds of issues with my triggers not connecting and I was just about to have it and call the project off. So I was down to one flash even though I had a strobe, but you couldn't trigger the strobe and flash. So as I was playing around and seeing if I can get the style I wanted all of a sudden I had took a picture which created the picture to be way over exposed. So I brought down the lighting and it gave me an over exposed picture of my model and created this blueish, grayish background that looked like the sea with the fabric being very wrinkled. I was really digging the style of it. My model could be seen and she had detail, but yet over exposed at the same time. So we did a few test shots and what I had planned to do with the portrait turned out better than I had planned. We continued with the over exposed style and then went into editing. I was excited to see what I could do with it. So I dabbled around with my presets to see which one would give me what I wanted. After I figured out how I wanted the look to be I applied that technique to each picture. It was a success in my book and I learned alot when I did it. Sometimes the rules for photography can be pushed out the window, but you need to know your camera and lighting. You do pull your hair out at times when things just don't go what you really planned, but come out better than you thought. Believe that you can create something that you like, your style. I don't really know if I really have a style because my mood almost dictates what my style will be for my images. If I want color I will bring out color. If I really want a moody type composition that composition will be moody. I t really all depends. I challenge myself to step it up from each project I do. That 50% is not going to like the work that you do and the other will. My friends, family and people I simple casually talk to always stretch my imagination to challenge my work more and more. The people I work with challenges me more and more. Challenge yourself to get out of your comfort zone to create something that blows peoples minds!